
Castle Lite’s Extra Cold Quest Peaks at the Summit of Africa

The Extra Cold Quest has reached new heights, literally. 

Castle Lite has taken its Extra Cold Quest to the pinnacle of Africa by hiding the final Exclusive Extra Cold Card on Mount Kilimanjaro, pushing the boundaries of refreshment to an altitude of 19 340 feet.

Over the past month, Castle Lite has transformed South Africa into a massive game of hot vs. Extra Cold, hiding Exclusive Extra Cold Cards and leading consumers to them with invigorating clues. Each Extra Cold Card granted the winner access to a year’s supply of South Africa’s favourite draught, Castle Lite.

In a bold move that embraces the brand’s love for creating memorable experiences, Castle Lite partnered with renowned mountaineer Heindrich, a 37-time Kilimanjaro climber, to conceal the final Extra Cold Card at one of the coldest, most extreme locations possible.

The choice to take the quest to Kili wasn’t just about reaching new heights, it was about fully embracing the essence of Extra Cold. From the -2.5°C temperature where Castle Lite is brewed, to the bone-chilling -20°C winds at the summit, the peak of Kili truly embodies Castle Lite’s Extra Cold refreshment. Reflecting on the daring activation, Castle Lite Brand Director ColleenDuvenage said: 

The Extra Cold Quest has been an incredible success, with people from all over South Africa actively participating in the search for the coveted Extra Cold Cards.. Kilimanjaro was the natural location for the final Extra Cold Card, it’s iconic, it’s icy, and it perfectly mirrors the Extra Cold Refreshment of Castle Lite“.

Heindrich, who braved the cold to plant the card at the summit, added: “climbing Kili is always a challenge, but being part of this Extra Cold Quest made it even more special. There’s something surreal about standing at the top of Africa, in the middle of the wilderness, with the icy winds howling, all for the love of Extra Cold.” 

The Extra Cold Quest is just one of the many thrilling ways Castle Lite brings its passion for Extra Cold refreshment to life, offering consumers the chance to win incredible prizes along the way. Stay tuned for more epic brand activations by visiting – you won’t want to miss what’s coming next!
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